Tamasha, Pakistan’s Big Boss-inspired reality show, has four finalists who have advanced to the final. The show airs on Ary Digital. The Tamasha house transformed into a jungle in the final few days, and all the candidates began to fight and abuse one another. Regrettably, the battles amongst the women were the most brutal, and the nasty bouts also converted the show into a crazy circus.
All of the candidates who had been eliminated prior to today’s grand finale of the show, including Faiza, Niggah, Seher, Nauman, Saeeda, Saim, Humaira, and Maira, were present in the house. They went there to take one last look at the Tamasha Ghar.
Adnan Siddiqui and the Tamasha team issued the invitation. There were also the finalists’ families present. All four competitors—Umer, Aadi, Mareeha, and Rauf Lala—were hoping for the victory, but Umer Aalam was the most successful, winning both the championship and the cash award. He was well-liked from the beginning. Well, the competitor quickly gained a following because he was funny.
Winner Of Tamasha Ghar Grand Finale
Umar Alam won Tamasha Ghar Season 1 – a reality show airs on ARY Digital
However, other fans felt that Mareeha Safdar deserved to win. Most fans were thrilled for the winner and thought that the winner was deserving, and they were pleased with the results.
After an amazing journey of 43 days… Umer Aalam is the official winner of Pakistan’s biggest reality show
After an amazing journey of 43 days… Umer Aalam is the official winner of Pakistan's biggest reality show #Tamasha 🔥🔥🔥#PakistansBiggestRealityShow #TamashaGhar #UmerAalam #TamashaWinner pic.twitter.com/SROeooyzmS
— ARY Digital (@arydigitalasia) October 1, 2022
The most aggressive contestant award goes to Humaira Asghar!
The most aggressive contestant award goes to Humaira Asghar! 👊🏻
Watch the #TamashaGrandFinale right now on #ARYDigital…#PakistansBiggestRealityShow #HumairaAsghar #TamashaAwards pic.twitter.com/oYXlxBWaAG
— ARY Digital (@arydigitalasia) October 1, 2022
The crowd is super excited to find out who will be the winner of #Tamasha!
Watch #TamashaGrandFinale on #ARYDigital right now!!! #PakistansBiggestRealityShow #SehrBeg #AamnaMalick #FaizaKhan #HumairaAsgharAli #MairaKhan #SaeedaImtiaz #NoumanJaved #NigahJee #SaimAli pic.twitter.com/75wZ7UOdLY
— ARY Digital (@arydigitalasia) October 1, 2022
The best Wazir of the house award goes to Umer Aalam! 🔥
Watch the #TamashaGrandFinale right now on #ARYDigital…#PakistansBiggestRealityShow #UmerAalam #TamashaAwards pic.twitter.com/CIxMI8ZarA
— ARY Digital (@arydigitalasia) October 1, 2022
Sehr Beg won the Tamasha Award for the most serious contestant in the house
…and the #TamashaAward for the most serious contestant in the house goes to Sehr Beg! 😬
Watch the #TamashaGrandFinale right now!#PakistansBiggestRealityShow #SehrBeg pic.twitter.com/XHEMjR5GHp
— ARY Digital (@arydigitalasia) October 1, 2022
Saeeda Imtiaz won the Tamasha Award for most well dressed contestant in the house
…and the #TamashaAward for the most well dressed contestant in the house goes to Saeeda Imtiaz! ✨
Have you tuned in to the #TamashaGrandFinale right now?#PakistansBiggestRealityShow #SaeedaImtiaz pic.twitter.com/Hsw1VvUMWo
— ARY Digital (@arydigitalasia) October 1, 2022
Aadi won Tamasha Award for he funniest contestant in the house
…and the #TamashaAward for the funniest contestant in the house goes to Aadi! 🤩
Are you watching the #TamashaGrandFinale right now?#PakistansBiggestRealityShow #AadiAdealAmjad pic.twitter.com/bfhCm3Qmsf
— ARY Digital (@arydigitalasia) October 1, 2022
Maira Khan won Tamasha Award for the best cook in the house
…and the #TamashaAward for the best cook in the house goes to Maira Khan 🤩
Are you watching the #TamashaGrandFinale right now on #ARYDigital?#PakistansBiggestRealityShow #MairaKhan
@mairakhanofficial pic.twitter.com/bYSi3X2uOW
— ARY Digital (@arydigitalasia) October 1, 2022
Rauf Lala won Tamasha Award for the laziest contestant in the house
…and the #TamashaAward for the laziest contestant in the house goes to Rauf Lala 💤
Have you tuned in to the #TamashaGrandFinale right now on #ARYDigital?#PakistansBiggestRealityShow #RaufLala pic.twitter.com/nrs9tCBRHa
— ARY Digital (@arydigitalasia) October 1, 2022
Nouman Javaid won Tamasha Award for the most caring contestant in the house
…and the #TamashaAward for the most caring contestant in the house goes to Nouman Javaid 🤩
Are you watching the #TamashaGrandFinale right now on #ARYDigital?#PakistansBiggestRealityShow #NoumanJavaid pic.twitter.com/9lHI9Q4uoX
— ARY Digital (@arydigitalasia) October 1, 2022
Aaj raat hai #Tamasha ka GRAND FINALE.. So, humnay puchay finalists se kuch interesting sawaal! 🤩
Don't forget to tune in Tonight at 9:00 PM to find out kon hoga winner – only on #ARYDigital #PakistansBiggestRealityShow #UmerAalam #TamashaGrandFinale pic.twitter.com/DJ7584Wjqn
— ARY Digital (@arydigitalasia) October 1, 2022
Tamasha, Pakistan’s Big Boss-inspired reality show, has four finalists who have advanced to the final. The show airs on Ary Digital. The Tamasha house transformed into a jungle in the final few days, and all the candidates began to fight and abuse one another. Regrettably, the battles amongst the women were the most brutal, and the nasty bouts also converted the show into a crazy circus.