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Who was Alexandra ‘Zandra’ Ducsay? How She Was Killed

BY Anas Shah Mar 30, 2023. 10:32 pm UPDATED: Mar 30, 2023. 10:32 pm


The sixth and concluding installment of the American Nightmare series is this one. The Answering Machine is the name of this segment.

Because the victim was an actress, the title alludes to a short film she produced as well as the murderer, who was a close friend of the victim.


Alexandra ‘Zandra’

The sixth and concluding installment of the American Nightmare series is this one. The Answering Machine is the name of this segment.

Because the victim was an actress, the title alludes to a short film she produced as well as the murderer, who was a close friend of the victim.

The Murder


A 911 call was received by the Milford, Connecticut authorities on May 19, 2006. Linda, Zandra’s mother, called to say that she had discovered her daughter deceased inside of her house. The conversation is so sad and difficult to listen to that Linda is sobbing and repeating, “Oh my god.”

As soon as they got to Zandra’s home, the cops went inside to start their probe. When they entered the finished cellar, they discovered a terrible situation despite the fact that the house was very tidy and organised.

Zandra was discovered on the ground. She had endured beatings and stabbings. The rugs and walls were covered in blood spots. A fragment of plastic from a trophy and a dark scar under her jawline were also discovered by the authorities. One of the dance awards Zandra had on a table was gone, and it turned out to be one of the murder instruments.

The blade of a kitchen knife was also discovered next to the corpse, proving there was another murder instrument. Additionally, there was proof of a fight, the overturning of a chair, and the duct taping of Zandra’s mouth. Later, it was discovered that direct force injuries was the cause of her mortality.

Because of how messy the scene was, the authorities assumed that the murderer had either brought a change of clothes or had fled the scene coated in blood. The authorities conducted DNA, skin cell, and hair tests in the cellar.


The press and media were alerted to Zandra’s situation instantly. The police wished to interview residents of the area as part of their ongoing probe.

A few observers claimed to have observed several distinct vehicles at Zandra’s home. Around 12:30pm, one person saw a red pickup vehicle, and around 4pm, another person saw a Honda being driven by a black man.Nicole, Zandra’s best companion, who saw her the morning of the murder, was also questioned by the authorities. Zandra had a date that night with “Jay,” according to Nicole, who claimed that they went to the gym. Nicole had no idea what Jay’s actual identity was or what his last name was.

Jason Malone was Jay’s actual identity, which the police finally learned. The person who did Zandra’s hair had given them the details. After meeting at Zandra’s place of employment at a nearby bank, Jason and Zandra had been courting for a few weeks.


Jason also drove a Honda Accord, which was the same model as the one the witness saw. He was taken inside to be questioned. On the phone that afternoon, Jason claimed he and Zandra were discussing their upcoming engagement. Jason reported that Zandra had suddenly hung up the phone and asked, “What are you doing here?” Jason was informed by Zandra that her ex-boyfriend was present, and she promised to contact him later.

About thirty minutes later, just before 1:00 p.m., Zandra phoned him again. When Jason went buying for their date, he claimed he didn’t hear from her again, and when he returned, the crime scene tape was already up at her home. The authorities estimated that the fatality would occur between 1-4:30pm. Jason was fired but hasn’t been cleared yet.

The individual nearest to Zandra, her mother Linda, was the next person the police wished to question. They desired to find out from Linda who else might harm Zandra. One identity was given to them by Linda: Matthew Pugh, Zandra’s former lover.

After dating in high school, Zandra and Matthew remained in touch for many years. Zandra visited Matthew while he was serving a six-year sentence for drug-related offenses, and they maintained their correspondence through emails. Linda reported that after some of the messages turned aggressive and harassing, they ceased. Until they ceased, the Ducsay family brought the messages to Matthew’s attention in the prison.

Matthew is hauled in for interrogation on May 24. Even though his wife wasn’t aware of their correspondence, Matthew claimed that he and Zandra were still close. When the authorities inquired as to where he was on May 19, Matthew replied that he was at work up until he had to collect up his sick step-daughter. After spending time with her at home until 3:30 p.m., he allegedly proceeded to the bank. Following Matthew’s release, the authorities sought to confirm his story.

The Milford police were still looking into the alibis of their two suspects.

The police first proceeded to the clothing shop where Jason claimed to be. A footage of Jason shopping at the time of the crime was shown. Jason last spoke to Zandra at 12:30 p.m., according to the phone data the authorities also acquired.

Jason received a prompt green light.

Then the cops went to Matthew. Matthew’s vehicle and home were searched while the police proceeded to the bank to review the security video. In reality, Matthew was where he claimed to be—at the bank. Additionally, neither his vehicle nor home contained any blood; instead, a wadded-up piece of tape was discovered in the trash.


Matthew’s spouse also backed up his story. The authorities were baffled because they were still no closer to identifying Zandra’s killer.

Six years after Zandra’s death, in January 2012, a witness stepped forward. The witness was a guy by the name of Anthony who was Matthew Pugh’s relative. Anthony claimed that Matthew had disclosed to him his intentions to murder Zandra and that he intended to use his job to obtain the necessary goods.

Anthony claimed that Matthew planned to don two of everything so that he wouldn’t leave any trail of proof. Matthew arrived at the crime site with clothing, boots, and duct tape. Aircraft technicians used a particular type of duct tape called the duct tape. The tape located in Matthew’s trash can and the duct tape were discovered to be identical.

Matthew Pugh was detained in September 2012 and accused with both robbery and Zandra’s homicide.

He asserted his innocence throughout his prosecution. The main witness was Anthony. The authorities claimed that he talked about information that only the murderer should have known. Anthony claimed that Matthew was driven to murder Zandra out of retaliation for getting him into trouble for sending him menacing emails. Due to Zandra’s family’s protest, Matthew received additional time for his drug-related jail sentence.

On May 11, 2015, Matthew was found guilty and given a 60-year prison term for homicide and an additional 20 years for theft.

Zandra’s sibling Matt spoke after Matthew was given his punishment:


“Matthew Pugh is going to be forgotten,” “but my sister’s memory will live on.”

 Alexandra ‘Zandra’ Ducsay

Why wasn’t that recording examined when it was first discovered is the only query I have. Unless it was, in which case no DNA was discovered on it. The recording must have been gathered even though it wasn’t mentioned in the show if it was tested.

The fact that Zandra’s family had to wait nine years for justice makes me feel terrible. They were aware that Matthew had murdered Zandra all along. Matthew is a jerk who deserves to spend the rest of his life in jail. Anthony did the right thing, even though I’m sure it was difficult for him to turn on his relative. The beast would still be roaming the streets if he hadn’t come forward.






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