After the thrill of the Mayim Bialik-hosted High School Reunion Tournament, regular Jeopardy! returns today, Friday, March 10. Ken Jennings serves as the host and will do so until April 28. After that, Mayim will take over once more for the rest of the season until summer break.
Stephen Webb, the current champion, will appear on Jeopardy! for the first time since February 17 thanks to the return of the regular edition of the game show. Jannette Peterson, a graduate student originally from Minneapolis, and Nick Dauber, a lawyer from Sherman Oaks, California, are his first rivals. How will Stephen perform in their presence? Here are 6 facts about the current champion Stephen to get you in the mood before the show:
1. He’s Made an Impressive Start to His Time on ‘Jeopardy!’
The Longmont, Colorado, data scientist has already amassed an astounding $80,631 and three victories. To be guaranteed a spot in the Tournament of Champions for this year, he must reach five victories. On the podcast Inside Jeopardy!, show producer Sarah Foss stated, “We’re interested in seeing if Stephen’s streak can continue.
2. Stephen Has Watched the Show Pretty Much All His Life
The 38-year-old has been a fan of the programme for 25 years, but he “never imagined that he would be on the other side of the television,” according to the Longmont Leader news site. In the spring of 2020, Stephen took an Anytime Test—the official Jeopardy! qualifying exam—at his wife’s urging. My wife and I started watching Jeopardy every night, and she says that she kind of noticed that I knew all the answers. In order to finally get to appear on the show three years later, he had to take the test, go through several rounds of interviews, and participate in Zoom meetings.
3. His Last Jeopardy! Appearance Produced a Big Fail
When Stephen missed what many viewers believed to be an easy Final Jeopardy during his final appearance on the show on February 17, it raised eyebrows among the Jeopardy! community, which is known for its strong opinions. The “National Parks” category was chosen, and the hint read: “It is named after a river that the indigenous people of the area call MI TSE A-DA-ZI and that French-speaking trappers translated as “Pierre Jaune.” Stephen failed to guess “Yellowstone,” leaving a somewhat bemused Ken Jennings to point out, “That’s literally what ‘Pierre Jaune’ means in French.” Reddit commenters weighed in right away about the fail, calling it “embarrassing” and saying the question was “the easiest fj ever.”
4. What He Found Hardest About Competing on Show
5. How He Is Coping Being on TV
Stephen created a Facebook page for his loved ones to follow him, and after making his first appearance on the programme, he informed them that he had been sworn to secrecy regarding how he performed. He has observed that his sweater choices have drawn attention on social media, and some fans have noticed his perplexed expressions and “umm” sounds when formulating a Final Jeopardy response. I haven’t been recognised ‘in the wild’ yet, he said. “Like some random grocery store shopper saying they saw me on TV.”
6. He Has Plans on How to Spend His Winnings
With his Jeopardy! winnings, Webb, a Ph.D. who works for Emburse, a company that provides AP and expense management services, says he intends to travel and renovate his home. winnings. He admitted to the Denver Express, “I’m not going to lie, the money is not bad, but I’d do it all again for no pay. “You get to interact with intelligent individuals from all over the nation who share a love of Jeopardy! Everybody has a wonderful sense of humour.