The life of Lucie Blackman will be chronicled in the upcoming true crime Netflix film “Missing: The Lucie Blackman Case.” This film, which will be released on July 26, explores the tragic events that occurred in the life of Blackman, a British woman of 21 who found employment in Tokyo, Japan. Police interrogated several people after Lucie vanished, including her friend Louise Phillips.
Louise Phillips: who is she?
Blackman, 21, from Sevenoaks, Kent, and Louise Phillips, 21, from Bromley, Kent, both 21 at the time, entered Tokyo on 90-day tourist visas in 2000. The two women shared a first-floor room in a guesthouse close to Tokyo’s Olympic Stadium after quitting their jobs at British Airways to travel through Asia. They found work at the Casablanca bar in Tokyo’s thriving Roppongi district in order to provide for their needs during their stay.
The two friends took on the role of hostesses as part of their job, which occasionally involved going on paid dates, or ‘dōhan’in Japanese, in addition to serving drinks. Lucie Blackman went on one of these compensated dates with a client on July 1, 2000. She had told Phillips she was going out with a man for the afternoon, but she never came back.
In the midst of looking for Blackman, Phillips got a call from a man who introduced himself as Akira Takagi. He asserted that Blackman was a member of a cult and was undergoing “training.” Phillips won’t get another chance to see Blackman, he continued.
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