With support for phone number-based login to WhatsApp Web, WhatsApp is releasing a feature to beta testers on Android. Currently, the platform requires users to scan a QR code with their smartphone in order to access the messaging service’s web interface. If your phone’s camera isn’t working properly, you can choose to sign in on your browser using your mobile number after downloading the most recent testing version of WhatsApp for Android. A beta version of WhatsApp for Android is where WhatsApp is currently working on new filters for better chat sorting.
The new feature was discovered by feature tracker WABetaInfo in WhatsApp beta version 2.23.14 for Android. To access it, tap the three-dot menu in the top right corner of the screen, choose Linked devices > Link a device, and then sign in with your phone’s fingerprint scanner, PIN, or password. The QR code scanner and a new choice, “Link with phone number instead,” are both present on the following screen.
When the user taps the new button, a new screen appears asking them to open WhatsApp Web and select Link with phone number. You will see an 8-digit code after entering your phone number that you must enter in the WhatsApp app on your phone to finish the device linking process. The most recent beta of WhatsApp for Android was tested by Daily Nation Pakistan, which was able to confirm that this feature is present and functions as intended.
It’s important to note that the most recent WhatsApp beta for Android only permits phone number logins on the Web interface; it forbids such logins on WhatsApp Desktop or on additional mobile devices. There is no information on when WhatsApp will add this feature to its iOS app or when users on the stable update channel on Android will start receiving it.
Additionally, WABetaInfo discovered a brand-new feature that will let you filter messages with just a few taps that are currently under development. WhatsApp has added new filters like All, Unread, Personal, and Business in place of the navigation tabs that were relocated to the bottom of the chat app. By selecting one of the four filters, users can group different chats according to whether they have been opened or have not yet been read, and list WhatsApp Business chats.
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