Daily people send photos on WhatsApp with each other. You can share photos on WhatsApp with different options of quality, but WhatsApp doesn’t permit you to share photos with the original quality of photos.
Currently. options available for sharing photos are
♦ Auto (recommended)
♦ Best quality
♦ Data saver
All the above options don’t allow users to send photos with original quality. Best quality option also compresses the image. Soon, this problem will resolve, since WhatsApp will add a new feature.
Update version of WhatsApp beta (version, ultimately introducing full (original) quality photo upload option. As always, the feature was observed by WABetaInfo.
The above photo tells you about the new future feature of WhatsApp. A new icon (setting icon) will appear with the previous tool header. This new icon will allow you to share photos with different quality options including the “Full Quality” option. In the future, this option will help users a lot in a situation where there is no compromise on photo quality.