Three teenage girls have been charged after a 13-year-old girl was allegedly lured to a bogus party and tortured for five hours on Saturday, March 11. The young girl, whose age precludes her from being identified, was invited to a home in Tewantin, near Noosa Heads, where she allegedly suffered abuse such as being tied up, burned, stomped on, having bottles broken over her face, and knives thrown at her.
The three girls, according to the victim’s mother, became friends with her daughter two weeks before the alleged incident and invited her to a “party” at their home. The victim’s face was so swollen that it was difficult to recognize her. Her mother remarked that her daughter’s head appeared to be on fire. Her child was allegedly given a shower by the attackers before being forced to clean up her own blood.
According to the victim’s mother, the three girls became friends with her daughter two weeks before the alleged incident and invited her to a “party” at their home. The victim’s face was so swollen that it was difficult to identify her. Her mother remarked that her daughter’s head appeared to be about to blow up. The attackers allegedly gave her child a shower before forcing her to clean up her own blood.
According to the mother, her daughter was stabbed in the knee, just missing her tendon, but she also has a fractured wrist. They had her guarded so she couldn’t tell the truth, but she had a feeling something wasn’t right. The three girls allegedly threatened to kill the victim’s family, including her three-year-old brother, if she told anyone about what allegedly happened. The victim’s family is currently staying at an Airbnb, according to the Daily Mail.
The three alleged perpetrators of the assault were charged by Queensland Police on March 13. The 14-year-old girl has been charged with four crimes: armed robbery while using personal violence, entering the premises and committing the indictable offence, deprivation of liberty, entering the dwelling and committing the indictable offence, assault causing bodily harm while armed in the company, and willful damages.
The 13-year-old is accused of assault causing bodily harm, assault causing bodily harm while carrying a weapon, deprivation of liberty, armed robbery while using personal violence, breaking into a residence and committing an indictable offence, common assault, and unpermitted dealing with store goods. He is scheduled to appear in Maroochydore Children’s Court later this month.
The 12-year-old was charged with breaking into a house and committing an indictable offense, assault causing bodily harm, assault causing bodily harm while carrying a weapon in public, deprivation of liberty, armed robbery in public with personal violence, and unauthorised dealing with store goods. She is also scheduled to appear in Maroochydore Children’s Court later this month.