Online information about the Vivo X100 Pro Plus camera is available. Later this year, the upcoming Vivo X-series flagship smartphone series may make its debut. Even the launch of the Vivo X90 series and the X100 series in India has not been confirmed by Vivo. In the meantime, a fresh leak regarding the Vivo X100 series camera specifications has appeared online. Prior to the official announcement, tipster Panda is Bald has revealed some of the alleged new camera features for the Vivo X100 Pro Plus 5G.
The informant asserts that a new V3 Image Signal Processor will be included in the Vivo X100 Pro Plus (ISP). Given that the Vivo X90 series includes the V2 ISP, which boasts faster processing, improved low-light photos and videos, etc., this is sort of to be expected.
The Vivo X100 Pro Plus 5G is said to support variable aperture for the main camera in addition to the new specially developed ISP. This camera technology was previously seen in the Samsung Galaxy S9, which had an aperture that could be changed between f/1.5 and f/2. In general, variable aperture gives users more control to take well-exposed and detailed photos with their cameras in dim light. The main camera of the Vivo X100 Pro Plus variability range is currently unknown.
The tipster also mentioned a super ultra-wide free-form lens, which should make it easier to take wider, clearer pictures on the Vivo X100 Pro Plus 5G. Additionally, the phone is rumored to have a “portrait micro-cloud platform.” Although the tipper withheld any additional information, we surmise that the feature will improve portrait mode photos using artificial intelligence (AI).
Last but not least, a periscope telephoto lens with a macro capability is said to be part of the camera setup. Additionally, the periscope camera is probably going to perform better in dim lighting. The details of the camera sensor were withheld by the tipper. Given that the launch is still months away, information may leak in the upcoming weeks. The camera features that were leaked should be treated with caution.
Read more: Vivo X Flip Design Leaked