The X Flip from Vivo has been the subject of persistent rumors. Over the past few months, the Vivo foldable has surfaced in a number of leaks, first revealing its design, then details about its display, and most recently, its camera and battery. The phone was also spotted on a certification website indicating its charging speeds, as well as on the benchmarking website Geekbench. And now, after all those leaks, we have a leaked image of the phone itself that also suggests a launch is imminent, despite the fact that Vivo has not yet made any indication of the same.
On the Chinese microblogging site Weibo, tipper Digital Chat Station posted the image. We can see more of the upcoming foldable’s design in the picture. The device in the picture appears to be lavender in color, which is more similar to Samsung’s Galaxy Z Flip 4’s Bora Purple shade. The clamshell’s front panel appears to have a matte finish and is embossed with a pattern resembling an argyle.
The outer display window appears to occupy slightly more than half of the panel’s front. The screen appears to be quite large and displays the time in bold along with status icons for network, battery, and data speed in the top right corner, just like it would on the majority of Android smartphones. A shortcut icon that appears to be for launching the camera can be found in the lower right corner of the screen.
The camera module, which appears to have two lenses stacked one on top of the other, and what appears to be the LED flash unit are both located beneath the display. The Zeiss logo, which is positioned inside the spherical camera module, is also discernible.
It’s difficult to tell if both halves of the clamshell foldable lay flat against one another without a gap like the outgoing Oppo Find N2 Flip given the angle at which the foldable is held in the leaked photo. But based on what we can tell from the image, it does resemble the Vivo X Flip schematic that leaked in December of last year quite a bit.
The phone will be called the Vivo X Flip and will have the model number V2256A, according to previous leaks. A Qualcomm Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1 SoC is anticipated to power the device, according to a recent leak. The 6.8-inch OLED panel with a full-HD+ resolution and a 120Hz maximum screen refresh rate is anticipated for the foldable inner display. The inner display is rumored to be 1,080 pixels wide, while the outer panel maybe 682 pixels wide, according to an older leak.
According to reports, the phone’s dual rear camera setup consists of a 12-megapixel ultra-wide camera and a 50-megapixel primary Sony IMX866 camera. The device is anticipated to be offered in a 12GB RAM and 128GB storage configuration and may include a 44W charger.
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