Usman Wazeer, a renowned boxer from Pakistan and the Asian champion, will compete against Somphot Seesa from Thailand on Wednesday at the Highland Boxing Show in Bangkok for the WBO World Welterweight Youth championship.
The first boxer from Pakistan to compete for the WBO Youth title is Wazeer, who is 22 years old.
In the recently organised first-ever professional boxing event in Gilgit, Wazeer defeated Thailand’s Phatiphan Krungklang to claim the WBA Asia welterweight title. The eight fights the Pakistani boxing champion has had have ended in victories.
The fighter from Gilgit had been upbeat about winning the final match.
Before the much awaited match, both boxers underwent official weight measurements and posed for a face-off. The courageous Wazeer gave off the impression that he was confident in his ability to dominate his opponent and earn another victory.
It is important to note that Wazeer had already won the Middle East title of the World Boxing Council as well as the ABF Asian title.
In a video message shared before one of his biggest battles ever, Wazeer expressed his desire to win tomorrow and asked the people to pray for him.
“It is the biggest fight of my career. It is an honour for me to qualify for the World Youth title fight,” he said.
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