A brand-new edition of Jeopardy! will debut on 14 September 2022 featuring the return of the current champion, Luigi de Guzman. After several weeks of reruns, the programme has returned with a new season that appears poised to rival the storied 38th season, which saw some of the finest players in the game’s lengthy history come together and establish legendary streaks.
Thank goodness, the 39th season has also gotten off to a fantastic start, with Luigi De Guzman’s flawless play and three-day streak already creating quite a stir. He will compete against clinical assistant professor Winston Li and former attorney Harriet Wagner in the future episode.
Take that, internet! Mock them if you dare! pic.twitter.com/BnuDSzFW3p
— Jeopardy! (@Jeopardy) September 14, 2022
The final round allows spectators to participate from the comfort of their homes and includes a number of unusual challenges. This can be accomplished by viewers guessing the right response to the episode’s last question before it airs.
Jeopardy 14 September Question
Did you catch @RalphMacchio on last night's @Jeopardy? #CobraKai pic.twitter.com/O5vv9H0vAe
— Sony Pictures Television 📺 (@SPTV) September 13, 2022
This question is from the category “Artists.” This is a category known to all and known to none at the same time. Being a vast topic, it is nearly impossible for anyone to know the entirety of it. However, this artist is quite famous in the art world and that could make it simpler for people to guess it correctly.