The death of veteran actor Shabbir Mirza on Wednesday added to the loss in the entertainment industry. Shabbir Mirza was a well-known figure from the comedy series Guest House on PTV during its golden age.
Shabbir Mirza had cancer, and his condition deteriorated about a month and a half ago.
He played the lead roles in several drama serials, including Chan Maada Chidiya, Miki Khad England, Guest House, and Aghoosh, and he received numerous honors for his outstanding performances.
He collaborated with Irk Films production on the upcoming drama Baharbano, which will be his final TV appearance, the Siyaah Series on Green Entertainment, and Jhol.
Shabbir Mirza, a legendary actor in Pakistani television, passed away.
In 1991, Guest House aired on the PTV Network. People wrote letters to PTV asking them not to finish the series because it was so popular in Pakistan. The story centers on a guest house called “Guest House” that was run by Mr. Shameem and his wife with assistance from their three permanent regular employees, Naveed, Murad, and Rambo, in a posh area of Islamabad.
With each new visitor who came to stay there, they used to get into a series of amusing and tragic situations.