Sanam Saeed, the ever-talented and elegant actress, is presently promoting her web series Barzakh alongside the attractive Fawad Khan. Maheen Khan recently saw her in an edgy dress for the premiere of Barzakh at the Series Mania festival in Lille, France.
She wore a beige silk pleated skirt with a bandeau top and a black velvet sleeveless jacket with gold and silver embroidery on the flared shoulders and throat.
Look at this!
Together with Sanam, other cast members and directors from the series were present to promote their efforts on a global scale.
Fawad Khan, however, missed the event.
Barzakh is a family drama revolving around an elderly man’s quest for love. It explores intergenerational trauma between fathers and sons. The narrative is framed within a fantastical world of supernatural beings and otherworldly events that reveal the abysses between life, death, and rebirth.
It reunites Fawad Khan and Sanam Saeed once again in lead roles after 10 years. The duo was last seen in the drama serial Zindagi Gulzar Hai. Fawad Khan is playing the role of a single parent, charming but ridden with guilt for what he has lost. Sanam Saeed plays the female lead who bears otherworldly secrets and takes it upon herself to heal and bring everyone together.
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