The Government of Sindh has declared a public holiday for all public and private schools and colleges on Wednesday (8 March 2023) in observance of Shab-e-Barat, which is observed tonight.
According to Haider Ali Shah, Chairman of the All Sindh Private Schools and Colleges Association, all public and private schools in Sindh will be closed on March 8, 2023, in observance of Shab-e-Barat.
He went on to say that the Sindh Education Department’s Steering Committee decides on the Shab-e-Barat holiday every year. Furthermore, he stated that March 23 will be a provincial holiday for all schools and colleges.
According to Haider Ali Shah, Chairman of the All Sindh Private Schools and Colleges Association, all public and private schools in Sindh will be closed on March 8, 2023, in observance of Shab-e-Barat.
He went on to say that the Sindh Education Department’s Steering Committee decides on the Shab-e-Barat holiday every year. Furthermore, he stated that March 23 will be a provincial holiday for all schools and colleges.
It is worth noting that the Sindh government has also declared a public holiday for all Hindu employees on the 6th and 7th of March in honour of Holi.