Can you find the sneaky snow leopard hidden in this rocky environment in just five seconds?
In this bizarre optical illusion, it’s nearly impossible to see the killer cat.
Its stunning colour aids in its flawless integration with the mountains that surround it.
Max Waugh captured stunning images of the snow leopard perched on a rocky ledge of a canyon in the western Mongolian Altai Mountains.
However, if you want to increase your chances of spotting the stunning animal in this perplexing image, keep an eye out.
Mas, from Seattle, US, said: “Spotting these cats is difficult. This photo really shows a typical snow leopard habitat.
“Most people mistakenly think they live constantly in snow-covered habitats, when in fact they are often found in more arid areas, such as the high desert mountains of the Altai.
“In this environment, their grey-and-black spotted coats do a remarkable job at camouflaging the cats. Unless you’re familiar with the environment and the subject, it is challenging to pick out subjects.
“Looking for any sort of movement certainly helps, but the leopard’s camouflage help breaks up the more familiar animal shape.”
The ferocious cat sneakily hides just out of view, leaving people online scratching their heads over this perplexing puzzle.
You have very good eyesight if you can find the tiger in five seconds or less.
We’re challenging you to try this optical game, but it might be more difficult than you anticipate.
Optical illusions are becoming a common type of daily puzzle and are a great way to get your mind to think strategically.
Why not take some time to investigate further and to think outside of the box—or rather, inside the box.
failed to locate it in time?
Why not try finding another leopard hiding in this challenging riddle in just five seconds?
Or try spotting this threatening cat as it prowls this rocky terrain in search of its prey.
— Bobby Fischer (@Nickylauderdale) December 21, 2022