The name of Bakhtawar Bhutto Zardari’s newest child was just revealed on Instagram. Mir Sijawal Mahmood Choudhry is her second child.
She prayed for the name of her second son, who was born on October 5, before sharing his name on Instagram. Sij is Sindhi meaning sun, and his nana baba gave him that name. Sijawal is Arabic for “the rising sun.”
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Mir Hakim, her first child, was born on October 10, 2021, to her and her husband Mahmood Choudhry. Bakhtawar also announced the unexpected birth of his son via Instagram.
His older brother likewise had the same name as an elder, like Sijawal. By using the name of her eldest son, Bakhtawar and Mahmood paid homage to her late grandpa Hakim Ali Zardari and late uncle Mir Murtaza Bhutto. His parents had posted on social media that Mir Hakim was born on October 10. His birthplace was Dubai.
Bakhtawar and Dubai-based businessman Choudhry were engaged on Nov 27, 2020 and married in early 2021.