With her husband, actor Ahsan Mohsin Ikram, the talented actress, and entrepreneur Minal Khan or Minal Ahsan have recently made a comeback on television in the game show Khel Kay Jeet. The actress’s outfits on the show serve as back-to-back inspiration for the ideal wardrobe.
Recently, she was spotted wearing a black full-length shirt by Sammy k Designs with white polka dots and intricate embroidery on the neckline. We adore this simple look.
Look at these!
Minal wears this stunning outfit style with sparkling silver Zara heels to bring out her inner desi charm. Her gorgeously flowing, flawlessly blow-dried hair made her even more charming.
This fashionista is definitely missed on our television screens.
In 2021, Minal Khan and Ahsan Mohsin Ikram got married. The couple is the talk of social media, and their fans are overjoyed to see them together. The two have emerged as Pakistan’s newest prominent celebrity couple.
The moral police frequently target celebrities for sharing their PDA moments with fans, but they never hesitate to do so. But despite the frequent breakups of celebrity couples, we are rooting for this couple because they still love and cherish one another.
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