Mohsin Naqvi, the interim Chief Minister (CM) of Punjab, has decided to move the metro bus service’s start time to 6:00 a.m. The labour market, which depends on this service to get workers to work on time, will receive much-needed assistance as a result of this.
The CM said in a statement that this decision was made to help the thousands of labourers who regularly use this service. It is important to remember that the service originally started at 6:30 am.
CM Naqvi presided over a meeting in his office on Friday where concerns regarding the Punjab Mass-Transit Authority (PMA) were addressed in order to ensure that this decision is carried out.
CM Naqvi presided over a meeting in his office on Friday where concerns regarding the Punjab Mass-Transit Authority (PMA) were addressed in order to ensure that this decision is carried out.
The Chief Secretary, the Chairman of Planning and Development (P&D), the Secretaries of Finance and Transport, among other officials, were present at the meeting. The meeting gave us a chance to assess how the implementation was going and make any necessary adjustments.