According to the Pakistan Meteorological Department, Friday marked the end of the prospect of additional monsoon rainfall in Karachi (PMD). However, over the next several days, it was predicted to softly rain in a variety of spots throughout the city.
According to Chief Meteorologist Sardar Sarfraz, the monsoon season in Karachi starts on July 15 and lasts till September 15. However, this year, the rainy season started earlier on July 1.
According to him, there is minimal chance of monsoon rains in rural Sindh either, but due to low-lying clouds that are still hanging over the coast, there could be some drizzle in the port city during the next few days.
The following three days will be partly cloudy in the city, according to the experts, with a chance of light rain in the early evening and late morning.
According to the forecast, the city’s maximum temperature would stay between 31°C and 33°C over the given period of time. A sea wind from the southwest will continue for the next three days.
On Friday, the city’s high was 31.1 °C, while the relative humidity of the air was 71%.