Hira Mani, a mother of two and versatile actress, is back in her most recent reel with her twirls, sassy gyrations, and killer looks. She is depicted wearing a floral-embroidered gown and matching canary yellow dupatta from Saira Noor’s bridal collection, along with dazzling yellow pishwas.
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Hira opted for a center-parted hairdo with loose curls and a glossy pink pout. Her gaudy jewelry and excessive glam are the ideal wedding attire.
Hira Mani is renowned for her upbeat demeanor and eccentric, OTT sense of style. The fashion police are constantly catching her in experimental looks, but she doesn’t seem to mind. Even though she attracts the wrong kind of attention for playing with her wardrobe, she never backs down from it.
No matter what she is wearing, her distinct charm and style never fail to catch the attention of online users. She consistently wins hearts with her unwavering devotion to sarees, oddly styled attire, and eccentric sense of style.
She was last spotted in the drama series Hum Dono with Ahsan Khan, which won fans for its memorable plot and stellar performances from its stars.
Read more: Sana Javed Shines in Mint-Green Jora (Pictures)