Kazuya Maruyama, the executive producer of Gundam Evolution, announced the game’s conclusion in a message to the gaming community. After attempting to combine the fandoms of FPS and Gundam, the developers have decided to terminate the service on November 29, 2023 (PST).
The team wanted to create a genuine Gundam first-person shooter that people all over the world would enjoy. They do, however, admit that they can no longer give their players a satisfying experience. Despite this, they apologize for not living up to their expectations and thank all of the players for their support.
Although Gundam Evolution will eventually end, there will still be updates. Season 6, which premieres on August 23 (PDT), will feature two new maps and a new unit. The seventh and final season, which will introduce a new unit and map, is due to premiere on October 25 (PDT). The administrative and development teams are dedicated to making sure players take full advantage of the game until the very end.
Sales of EVO Coins, EC Pod Limited, CAP Pods, and Ticket Pods will end due to in-game adjustments. Players may still use their current EVO Coins up until the service is over. The primary form of payment in the game will be Capital Points, which can be earned through a variety of tasks and used to unlock new units without having to buy EVO Coins.
The community of the game will have the opportunity to learn more information as the end nears during the Mission Briefing Final, which will be streamed on Friday, July 21 (PDT). Although it is sad to say goodbye, the administrative and development teams promise to make devoted players’ time in the game worthwhile.
Gundam Evolution will be inaccessible after November 29, 2023 (PST), and all in-game items, including EVO Coins, will be rendered useless. It’s a somber farewell to a game that brought together Gundam fans and FPS fans all over the world.
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