Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif launched the ‘Teleschool Pakistan App, Google for Education, and Digital Continuous Professional Development’ initiative on Tuesday, which aims to provide online education to students in grades one through twelve.
Speaking at the app’s launch ceremony, the premier stated that all resources and efforts should be used to introduce modern modes of education, including digitisation initiatives, in addition to providing teachers with the most up-to-date training.
He went on to say that teacher training in the country was inadequate, which was unfortunate, and he cited his experience in Punjab province.
The initiative will further transform Pakistan’s formal education medium.
During his tenure as chief minister, the prime minister said he directed steps to improve the quality of about 40 training centres in the province.
The premier urged the minister of federal education to develop a plan with input from the provincial governments to raise the standard of teacher preparation programmes.
Referring to the importance of the most recent technology in education, he emphasised that if they wanted to provide the younger generations with the best education possible, they would need to buy them laptops and other relevant technology so that the nation’s future leaders could become familiar with the new teaching methods.
He implied that suck-like initiatives would be implemented when he said that approximately 100,000 laptops would be distributed to the top students across the nation.
According to the prime minister, the private sector, provincial governments, and the vocational training programme should work together to move the initiative forward.
He continued, saying that instead of investing in real estate, businesses should train young students in technical and job-related skills.
The prime minister emphasised that by involving the private sector, the students should receive direct training. The best private institutions should be hired in a transparent manner, and investments in each student should be made by giving them the right training.
In addition, a network of Danish schools would be established in remote areas of Balochistan, according to PM Shehbaz, for which sizable investments would be made.
He expressed confidence that providing a high-quality education to students in a rural part of the province would enable them to catch up academically to students in other parts of the nation.
In addition, the prime minister urged that the orphan children’s educational needs be met.
He claimed that the young generations’ ultimate goal in life should be to provide them with the best education possible.
The prime minister praised the efforts of the federal minister, ministry, and other partners and said it was a good day for the nation’s education sector because the newest technology would be used to further raise educational standards.