This video serves as evidence that dogs are much more than just a person’s best friend. A social media video shows a service dog preventing its owner from harming herself while having a seizure. About 4 million people have seen the movie posted on the Figen Twitter account, and with good cause.
In the currently popular video, a woman is shown experiencing a seizure. She shatters to the ground and begins to bang her skull against it. The dog first tries to stop the lady because it realizes the potential danger this might cause. When nothing else works, it glides beneath her head to act as a cushion and protect her from harm. As a part of his training, the footage was captured.
“The dog protects his owner’s head when she has a seizure! Dogs are best friends!,” according to the post description.
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The video has received 12.1 million views, 233.7K likes and 18.1K reactions.
People Reactions:
Uh, no one has a seizure with just their neck.
— Tim Nolan (@tfnolan) March 1, 2023
Yeah they do. I’ve seen it first hand. I’m also epileptic. There are various kinds of seizures and you’d be surprise at what your body with involuntarily do during one. It does not have to involve your entire body.
— just a tired pony girl~semi hiatus (@tiredponygirl) March 1, 2023
Dogs are so empathetic and nurturing, that we really don't deserve them. They will literally give their lives for us. This is the purest kind of love.
— Thomas Ian Russell (@ThomasIanRusse5) March 1, 2023
indeed I trust my dogs more than anything , except my family they are my friends . I'm having 18 years staying Johannesburg south I never had a break-in or problems because my dogs alert me first .
— Bongani Masina Nkomo (@MasinaNkomo) March 2, 2023
Amazing. Dogs are so amazing!
When I'm acting out my dreams my dog comes to my bedside and pokes my face with his cold nose until I wake up. He then stands there and stares at me with wide eyes until I let him know I'm OK. So sweet.— Poi Dog Votes Kamala Harris, 🇺🇦 (@PoiDogGrowls) March 5, 2023
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