The fee waiver for retaking postponed A-Level exams has been announced by Cambridge International Education (CIE), but there has been a change of heart. There will be a fee to be paid to the British Council by students who want to retake the exams. This information became public on Monday, confusing both students and parents regarding the fee schedule.
The CIE initially announced a “free-of-charge” opportunity for retaking exams for A-Level students whose exams were postponed on May 10, 11, and 12. However, uncertainty lingered because it was unclear exactly how fee waivers worked.
A CIE representative clarified that while the British Council will charge a fee to administer the exam, Cambridge has eliminated its retake fee. Soon, the precise sum will be revealed.
Additionally, there is no requirement for students to retake their exams in November 2023. The results of their exam from June 2023 will stand regardless of whether they decide to retake.
Students can ask the center to work with CIE via the British Council in order to receive credit covering entry fees after their respective centers have submitted entries for students wanting to retake exams in June 2024.
Only candidates who continued to be entered but were unable to complete components due to the cancellation of exams in June 2023 are eligible for the free retake option.
Questions about retaking particular components came up for students who were unhappy with the results of one or more exam components. The CIE made it clear that in order to receive a result, candidates must finish all of the steps involved with their entry option.
Following student complaints and requests for corrective action, representatives from the British Council, CIE, and Education Secretary Waseem Ajmal Chaudhry met. Following disappointment among the majority of the 45,000 Pakistani students who took the A-Level exams and received lower grades in this year’s series, the decision to hold free retake exams was made.
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