Ayesha Mano, better known as Mera Dil Yeh Pukaray Aja girl, has a knack for staying in the headlines, albeit through cringy and weird TikToks or viral photoshoots. This time, she managed to catch people’s attention by wearing a black maxi dress with red embroidery and a dramatic tail.
Look at this!
Ayesha is dressed in a black full-length pishwas with red embroidery on the neckline and sleeves by Shehmina’s wardrobe.
She posted overly filtered photos, so we can’t comment on her makeup, but her luscious black locks are left open with curled ends.
She frequently fails to impress and is trolled on social media for being try-hard and extra in a cringy way.
Ayesha Mano has been featured in a music video for the song Badal Se Gaye by a local singer known as ZK, after achieving overnight success all over the world and landing several modeling gigs.
Read more: Minal Ahsan Stuns Fans with Photos in Rocks Polka Dots Dress