Today Australian Dollar to Pakistan Rupee (1 AUD to PKR) is 176.72 PKR. All currency prices are updated every hour to give you the best AUD to PKR conversion. This AUD to Pakistan Rupee conversion is based on open market rates which are set by the currency exchange dealers in Pakistan. Easily find the 1 AUD buying rate and selling rate in Pakistan.
Daily Nation Pakistan provides you up to date open market currency rates of Pakistan and Foreign Currencies. Currency exchange rates in Pakistan open market are not the same as the interbank, especially the dollar rate. You can find AED to PKR, USD to PKR, Pound to PKR, SAR to PKR, CAD to PKR, and all other currency rate against the Pakistani rupee. In Pakistan Banks generally charge a higher exchange rate on the currency. We timely update currency rate on our website including AUD to PKR to give our visitors a good experience. Here you will find open market currency rates history, graphs, charts, and a wide range of information to help you explore the Pakistan Currency Open Market.
Read more: USD to PKR – Dollar Rate in Pakistan | 1 March 2023