The business has announced the launch date for the Asus ROG Phone 7. Unlike its predecessor, which debuted in July of last year, the device will make its global premiere the following month. Although the business hasn’t provided any information on the handset that would be available in all markets, it recently made an appearance on the testing website Geekbench, giving some indication of its essential specs. Android 13 is rumored to be pre-installed on the smartphone. Also, the most recent Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 Processor from Qualcomm is anticipated to power it. It is predicted that the 6.8-inch AMOLED display on the Asus ROG Phone 7 would have a full-HD+ resolution and a refresh rate of at least 165Hz.
Using its Twitter account, the business revealed the Asus ROG Phone 7’s release date. On April 13, the Asus ROG Phone 6’s forthcoming replacement will be unveiled. The Asus teaser, however, withholds any other information about the phone.
The Asus ROG Phone 7, which will launch in international markets in less than a month, was recently identified on Geekbench, and the listing provides some important details about the device.
Three models—the Asus ROG Phone 7, ROG Phone 7D, and the top-of-the-line ROG Phone 7 Ultimate—are anticipated to make up the future Asus ROG Phone 7 series. Model ASUS AI2205 C for the Asus ROG Phone 7 in India has been made available on Geekbench. According to the listing, the phone will be equipped with the most recent Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 CPU, which has a 3.19GHz maximum clock speed.
The listing also discloses that the ROG Phone 7’s Indian version would include 256GB of built-in storage and 16GB of RAM. Also, it is anticipated that the phone would run Android 13 with the ROG UI company’s proprietary skin on top.
The phone’s display specs have also been revealed ahead of the unveiling event. A 6.8-inch AMOLED screen with full-HD+ resolution and at least 165Hz refresh rate is anticipated for the Asus ROG Phone 7.
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