Imran Khan, a former prime minister and current head of the PTI, is organising his third telethon to gather money for the rehabilitation of flood victims in Pakistan. He claims that after a flood, the real challenge is helping those who have been affected.
Speaking to the telethon, Khan claimed that Rs 10 billion had never before been raised in five hours of television fundraising. He promised that “we will use these monies in a transparent manner and will develop a system that will provide transparency to their utilisation.”
The Pakistanis living abroad took part in the telethon and made phone calls to Imran Khan to donate money for the flood victims.
According to the party’s official Twitter account, donations made during the telethon had resulted in commitments of Rs3.57 billion.
3.57B so far in the 3rd telethon by Chairman PTI @ImranKhanPTI ! #TelethonByImranKhan
— PTI (@PTIofficial) September 18, 2022
How Much Amount Did Aneel Mussarat Donated for Flood Victims in Pakistan?
Aneel Mussarat from United Kingdom donated Rs100 million for the flood victims while PTI Britain head announced 100,000 Euro for the affectees.
Khan has held two telethons previously, getting donations of over Rs10 billion.
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