Aiman Khan and Muneeb Butt, the most adored couple in show business, welcomed their second child, a baby girl, today, on August 7. The mother and the child are doing fantastic.
Minal Khan, the ecstatic khala and twin sister of Aiman, posted the news to her social media accounts.
With the publication of this post, we also learned the name of the young princess, Miral Muneeb. We eagerly anticipate seeing the newborn infant and hearing big sister Amal Muneeb’s response.
Everyone’s favorite on-screen couple and incredibly successful actors are Aiman and Muneeb Butt. Since their marriage in 2018, the two have been the subject of much conversation. Aiman and Muneeb are both social media users who frequently post intimate photos of their married lives. Amal Muneeb, a stunning baby girl, was born to the couple in 2019.
In our entertainment industry, Aiman Muneeb or Aiman Khan are well-known names. She is Minal Khan’s twin sister, who is an incredibly talented actress. She made her acting debut in Mohabbat Jaye Bhar Mein as Rani.
Read more: Sami Khan and His Wife, Shanzay Khan, Welcome Their Baby Boy